Previous issues


[edition 2, June 2020] First-times, taboos, fuck-yous.

First times, taboos, fuck-yous, first times, taboos, fuck-yous, first times, taboos, fuck-yous:  for us this year they've been a constant fair ride, one of those that spins around and around in circles and keeps bringing you to new heights if you dare not get off of it. You go on solo trips, find a new calling and then leave your job, decide to end a relationship and move on, party like you never did before, leave your boring lover to open yourself up to new forms of pleasure, try street photography for a day, send your neighbors chocolate to apologize.


[edition 1, November 2019] How does one come home to oneself?

It took a decade for Ulysses to come back to Ithaca, but time was never the matter, wasn’t it?
Starting our own Odyssey, we craved to hear other stories of change and exploration.
In this edition of Buongiorno, you will embark on a journey to far lands, to dream-like places you’ll have a hard time figuring out if they exist in real life or just in your heart, you will get messy collecting pieces of places, things, and people, but really just pieces of you, you will be seduced by Circe in a hot summer afternoon, you’ll forget about time eating burrata, sipping wine and being lulled by the sea and the sound of a foreign language, to then be brought back to yourself by the smell of freshly baked madeleines, coffee or ricotta.


[edition 0, July 2019] The beginning

Edition 0 was the bud of this new creative endeavor. Buongiorno was born from our desire to bring together our passion for print and our insatiable appetite for people and things that don’t leave us indifferent. Curiosity our Northern star.